Comparison of PHP and Python

In recent years, Python has become one of the most popular programming languages. According to Google, since 2012, Python fans have even surpassed the popular PHP language, and predictions indicate that this language will be used before others in the future.

In this article, we are going to compare two popular languages, Python and PHP, and examine the capabilities of each.

Comparison of Python and PHP

Both of these languages are very powerful and popular, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

PHP programming language is a classic language and has been used for programming web apps since ancient times.

Python’s programming language is a newer and more up-to-date language that can be used for other platforms in addition to the web.

To compare these two cases, different areas need to be examined, which we will see below.


Easy to learn

For a novice web developer, one of the most important factors is to consider the ease of learning. Programmers can be at many levels, and if one does not have a background in any programming language, it is undoubtedly much easier to learn Python.

Python is a general programming language and is easy to learn. Programs in Python are shorter and easier to write than other programming languages, which is why this app is used in many apps. The combinations in this language are simpler and the code in it is easier to read than similar programming languages.

PHP, on the other hand, is not a general programming language. The purpose of creating PHP is to design web-specific apps that are very detailed and complex. In general, learning PHP takes more time.


Usability is a key factor in choosing to learn a programming language.

Consider that interfaces communicate between servers and users, so a highly usable language is essential in developing robust, high-performance applications.
PHP is a language with very good documentation and a very classic view, while Python instead follows very difficult instructions with the simplest ability to read code.

Online support

Both Python and PHP are fast. If you are wondering if I should learn PHP or Python, you should know that there is a large community of programmers behind both PHP and Python.

PHP has been used in web design for a long time and many programmers trust it. For this reason, you can always count on the help of experts and practitioners in this field.

Unlike PHP, Python has no restrictions on use and is used in a variety of applications except for building web pages. This variety has led to an increase in Python users and as a result there are many people you can get help from.

Large companies open accounts in Python and PHP and use these two languages ​​in critical areas. For example, Google has been using Python for several years and uses it in some of its products, such as YouTube.

In contrast, the world’s most popular content management system, WordPress, is built with PHP. The trust of these successful brands in PHP and Python gives programmers the peace of mind to use them safely.

Bug fixes

Error and error management is an integral part of programming and you will definitely encounter various problems and errors while you are programming.

Python uses a powerful debugger called PDB. PDB is very easy to learn and use even for beginners.

PHP, on the other hand, uses the XDebuger to fix bugs. Both have similar bug fixing features.

In this regard, Python and PHP have close performance and neither has a special advantage.

Employment and potential income

Programming is not just for fun and it is another obvious and important reason to earn money. Hence, the aspect of employment depends on the number of jobs available in the market. A topic that is closely related to this field is earning money, which depends on the demand and professional programmers available in a particular field.

PHP is widely used because it has many job opportunities, so many programmers specialize in this language.

Educational Resources

Excellent training resources are available for both programming languages. There are many websites and forums where you can find resources on learning and using Python or PHP. Their competition in this field is very close and like online support, one of them can not be considered superior in this field.

In terms of educational resources, both programming languages are in very good condition.


Python and PHP are both completely free and open-source, and in fact, both programs are superior to non-free programming languages.


PHP 5.X is very slow and takes almost a long time to run. However, PHP 7.X is very fast, almost 3 times faster than Python.

In some apps, the speed of the program is very important. For example, in banking systems where thousands of transactions are made daily, being three times slower can have a significant negative impact on the overall performance of the system. So in terms of speed; PHP has a huge advantage over Python.

However, it should be noted that for many simple programs, this speed difference is not very large and does not make much difference. For example, in practice, there is not much difference between 10 milliseconds and 30 milliseconds, and an app cannot be called slow because of this.

Finally, we have briefly mentioned the capabilities of these two programming languages:

Advantages of Python over PHP

Better design
Superior framework
Package management
Easier coding
Understand the codes
Multiple inheritances
Unparalleled introversion
Debugging tools
Extensive and comprehensive support
The small and compact core
Real and flawless objectives
More diverse than PHP
The sensitivity of uppercase and lowercase letters even in functions
Rules that reduce lexical errors
Keyword Arguments: Parameters are passed by name, not by position

Advantages of PHP over Python

Final and abstract type
Increase and decrease variables
Default arguments in functions
Insert code into HTML code
Supports all operating systems
Execute code in a specific environment
The terms Switch and do… While do not exist in Python
Private, protected and public modifiers for features and functions
Those who already have a background in programming can easily learn this language
Interfaces: Of course, it can be said that Python does not need it because it has many similar structures and supports multiple inheritances.

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