Duration of learning Python

The important parameters in learning a programming language are:

  • Programming language
  • Daily time for programming
  • Practice and repeat
  • Algorithm and flowchart
  • IQ
  • English language
  • Mathematics
  • Age
  • Will and patience ‌


After we published the article What is Python on the site, now we have gone to examine the duration of learning Python, and we want to examine the duration of learning this programming language. So I suggest you follow this article to the end.

What is Python?

Python is a powerful multipurpose programming language, designed by the Dutch self-proclaimed Rossum in 1991. Python is a very powerful and widespread scripting language, and these days you can see traces of its influence almost everywhere. Python is extremely prevalent in the world. Python programming language is an object-oriented language and has advanced object-oriented features such as inheritance, polymorphism, operator overload, and so on. I suggest that you read the article What is Python to know more about the Python programming language.


Duration of learning Python

Like other articles in this field, to examine the duration of learning Python, we must consider three levels to get the amount and duration of learning Python. The learning time of Python is almost the same as PHP. And it can be said that in the same range it takes time to learn.


Basic Python Learning:

If we want to get acquainted with the Python programming language in a basic way and write small and simple programs, we have to spend about 90 hours of useful time. 10 hours to learn and teach Python programming and 80 hours to practice this language, to get acquainted with its basics.


Intermediate learning of Python:

If we want to write a mini-project with this programming language, we have to learn more and spend some more time. Usually, we have to spend 300 hours of useful time to learn at this level. We usually need 20 hours to learn and teach Python programming and 280 hours to practice so that we can write mini-projects and work with large projects.


Advanced Python Learning:

If you want to win the Python gold medal and write a big project and company, you have to spend a lot more time. To become an expert in this field, you must spend at least 1200 hours of useful time. 100 to 150 hours to learn and teach Python programming and the rest of the time to practice this programming language, to become a professional in this language.



Note: The statistics we provide are approximate statistics for learning Python programming and are different for everyone.

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