Introducing the best Python compilers

A compiler is a computer program that converts code written in one language into another. Python is one of the best programming languages to learn, so its compilers have no limit to the various needs of the project.

First of all, compilers are programs that convert reference code written in a high-level programming language into a low-level programming language; Like machine code to build an executable program.

One of the best compilers for Python is CPython, which is used by many developers.


Python supports versions 3 to 3.7.

Brython is a popular Python compiler that converts Python code to JavaScript code and is known as “Running Python 3 for client-side programming”. Brython is HTML5 compliant and has a user interface for DOM objects and events.

Brython is an acronym for Python Browser. It has a wide range of capabilities, including creating simple document elements and dragging and dropping 3D maps. This Python compiler works much better in Firefox than Google Chrome.

Brython supports both modern browsers and mobile web browsers. This Python compiler comes with a JavaScript console, which can be used to improve the execution time of some JavaScript programs compared to the equivalent example in Python in the editor.

According to the official blog of Pierre Quentel, creator and developer of Brython, it is much faster than Pypy.js and Skulpt. In some cases, this Python compiler is even faster than CPython.

Brython supports most Python 3 syntaxes, such as concepts. Brython also supports several CPython modules and has libraries for connecting to DOM elements and events.

Brython supports the latest HTML and CSS3 features, and this Python compiler can use popular css frameworks such as bootstrap3 and less.


Python supports 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 to 3.7.

Another popular compiler is Python, which takes Python code and converts it to C or C ++ reference or executable code.

With Nuitka, you can develop standalone applications even if you do not have Python on your device.

Nuitka is written entirely in Python, and it is possible to use different libraries and expand modules in it. This Python compiler is available for FreeBSD, Linux, macOS X, NetBSD and Windows platforms and is licensed under the Apache version 2.

Nuitka is available with Anaconda for those who wish to use it to develop projects involving data science and machine learning.


Supports pythons higher than version 2.7.

For those who are looking to write Python code and run it in a web browser, PyJS is a viable option. PyJS compiler converts Python code to its JavaScript equivalent code; So it can be run in a web browser.

An important aspect of PyJS is that it comes with an AJAX, which bridges the gaps between JS and DOM support that is available to different browsers. PyJS uses the Python abstract synthetic tree as a lever to generate the equivalent JS code.

The Python Web Application Reference Code can be run as a standalone desktop application (running in Python) using the PyJS desktop module. Interestingly, some Unix systems have pre-installed versions of PyJS for the desktop.

Despite the differences between Python and JavaScript, most data types are similar between the two popular programming languages.

Some types of Python data are indexed while working with PyJS.

PyJS is a lightweight application. It can also be used directly in a web browser, and it is possible to run JavaScript web browser console programs in it.

Runtime support for runtime errors is also provided by the PyJS compiler. Because it is possible to embed Python code in JavaScript code, JavaScript developers can design and develop applications in different paradigms using PyJS.

Shed Skin

Python supports 2.4 to 2.6.

Another popular Python compiler is Shed Skin, which converts a static Python program to its C ++ equivalent equivalent program.

(The static type means that the variables used should refer to only one data type.)

Shed Skin does not support some common features, such as the use of recursive and nested functions, which accept a large number of arguments. Only some standard Python library functions are available for Shed Skin use.

As an experimental compiler program, Shed skin suggests that you convert static Python programs to optimized C ++ code with several limitations. Shed Skin also can’t scale more than a few thousand lines of code well.

If there is a module that Shed Skin cannot support and you need it in your code, you should remove it and make changes to your code so that this compiler can support it.

Although Shed Skin is experimental, it has the ability to run standalone applications or modules that can be used in large Python applications.

The biggest advantage of using Shed Skin is that it improves performance significantly. This is mainly because the Python compiler re-implements Python internal data types in its class suite that runs in an efficient C ++ code.


Supports versions of Python above 3.3.

Written under JavaScript and available under MIT license. Skulpt provides a real environment in which the converted code is executed in JavaScript format. Any Python code written in Skulpt is executed directly in a web browser.

Skulpt is a great option for developers looking to build a web application that allows users to run Python applications in a web browser while maintaining server security. This popular Python compiler can be easily embedded in an existing blog or webpage.

Although Skulpt converts Python code to JavaScript code, it does not facilitate JS execution.



Python supports 3 to 3.7.

Another popular Python compiler is Transcrypt. This compiler allows you to convert a fairly large subset of Python to compact, readable JavaScript code, which can be easily fixed.

This Python compiler follows a simple and powerful syntax that does not require any plugins. Transcrypt first converts to fast, readable JavaScript code that can be debugged using reference maps from Python reference code.

This Python compiler supports partitioning with matrix operations such as: [i: j: k] and other operations (+, -, * and /).

This Python compiler has a better team collaboration to work on complete projects. In addition to providing integrated access to all JavaScript libraries, Transcrypt can also run on Node.js.

Thanks to its support for hierarchical modules, local classes, and multiple inheritance, Transcrypt has a flexible and stable overall structure.



Supports Python versions higher than 3.7.

WinPython was created specifically for the Windows operating system. Early versions of CPython were not very suitable for Windows and had many drawbacks. WinPython was created to solve these problems.

Although current versions of CPython are well-established in the Windows operating system, WinPython also has unique features.

Since WinPython is a standalone version of Python, all you have to do is download and open it.

WinPython comes bundled with the most popular data science libraries and Python learning machines such as Numpy, Pandas and SciPy.

Therefore, it allows you to work directly with these Python libraries. WinPython has other features that are not available in most cases, such as the C and C ++ compiler.

However, when we start downloading this compiler, the other peripherals that we mentioned will be downloaded with it. However, there is a separate download option for WinPython that only includes this Python compiler and nothing else.

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