Image Processing in Python


One of the most important and interesting fields of research and application is the field of image processing and machine vision. Many algorithms have been introduced in this field so far and very important applications have been found for it.

One of the most up-to-date examples in this area is the example of self-driver cars. These cars do not have a driver, and they determine their own route based on the information they receive from their cameras and sensors. Below you can see Google’s autonomous car.

We have used version 3 of the OpenCV library in this tutorial. This library is one of the most popular sets of ready-made image processing functions. We will install it in Python and teach you how to work with it.
It is safe to say that this tutorial is very sweet and simple and all those who are interested can use it.


You may be wondering what is the advantage of Python over MATLAB in implementing image processing algorithms?
1) The image processing program you write in Python can be run on any other operating system, but MATLAB code only runs on a system that has MATLAB installed.
2) In the next tutorials, we are going to prepare ready-made boards like Raspberry Pi for you. If you have written image processing programs with Python, learning to work with these boards will be easy for you.

3) MATLAB is commercial software and you have to pay for it, but Python is completely free.









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